About us
The Primary Care Body is dedicated to ensuring the highest quality care of Primary Care within the Island.
Secretary: Aimee Maskell
Members: Â Guillaume Besson, Gordon Callander, Ed Klaber, Nigel Minihane, Bryony Perchard, Rob Pierce
Safeguarding Co-Ordinators: Kate Wilson & Penny Le Bas

We would welcome your views on content and functionality so as to best serve the needs of our patients and colleagues
In Jersey, GPs surgeries are private businesses and Primary Care doctors (also known as General Practitioners or family doctors) are commonly a patients first contact with a medical health professional for their health concerns. All GPs are on the States of Jersey Performers List. This enables doctors to demonstrate that they are up-to-date and fit to practise according to the standards laid down by the General Medical Council (GMC) and that any concerns or complaints about a doctor are investigated within Jersey and are acted upon promptly and appropriately.

Primary Care Body's Aims:
- To encourage and promote the practice of High Quality Primary Care
- To promote high standards of professional conduct among practitioners
- To encourage and promote the study and development of Primary Care
- To work with other agencies to foster development of health services that ensure patient safety and quality of care
- To represent the views of General Practitioners to other organisations or agencies in particular:-
- the administration of the profession
- civil rights or liberties or matters of public interest, or
- the enactment of legislation or the review or reform of existing laws pertaining to Primary Care
- changes to delivery of Primary Care in the future
Latest News
Cervical Screening
GPs now providing cervical smears free of charge more... …
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